Thursday, May 13, 2010

my fair lady

saya telah habis tgk cite nih mgu lepas..!! since study week lagi.. hahaha.. mmg penat nk ngabiskan cite nih.. sbb hero dia x bape nk encem tu satu.. n also cite ni so-so je la.. out of 5.. saya kasi 3 bintang jew.. hehehehe...

sinopsis cite nih:

*Hye-na Kang, the only successor of Kang-san Group, is the owner of the ‘Lady Castle’ and lives a ‘princess-like’ life with her servants. Hye-na’s parents died from a plane accident and her grandfather brought her up. Hye-na is strong-headed, selfish and world revolves around her; it is because she could not experience the warmth of family when she grew up. One day, she comes across Dong-chan. He makes Hye-na to do community service, kidnaps her, and now appears in front of her as the new household manager! Hye-na makes every effort to throw him out from the castle, but this guy has tenacity in him!*

hurm.. pe yek nk komen ttg cite nih..?? boleh tahan la jugak jln cite dia.. hehehe.. tp kan.. korg pasan x..?? kalo pompuan ni blakon je mesti ade je part2 sensored.. huhuhu.. daring sungguh la dia nih.. kt cite coffe prince pun ade kan..?? kan..?? hurm... ntah la..

saya suke kat Attorney Lee Tae Yoon nih..!! dia comel.. n dia serius.. saya suka lelaki yg serius dlm setiap pekerjaannya.. walaupun dia anak org kaya.. tp dia x bergantung pd mak bapak utk teruskan kehidupan.. walaupun dia boleh je nk hidup mewah.. tp dia telah pilih gaya hidup dia yg sendiri.. hehehehe.. adekah lelaki jenis begini wujud di dunia nyata..?? jeng3x...

yoon eun hye.. dia pernah belakon cite coffe prince & princess hour.. tp aku rase watak kang hae na nih mcm personaliti dia yg sebenar.. haha.. memandai je kan aku nih.. aku pernah bace psl cite nih dulu.. hampir sume baju yg dia pakai dlm cite ni merupakan baju dia sendiri.. tgk..?? mewah2 la jugak baju dia.. adakah personaliti yoon eun hye ini sama dgn kang hae na..?? hanya dia je yg mampu menjawabnye.. =)

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