Friday, May 14, 2010

nodame cantabile

aku cume mengambil masa 2 hari je nk tgk cite nih.. hehehe.. bile kah time yg paling sesuai layan cite2 korea jepun kt rumah..?? of coz la tgh2 mlm smpai pg kan.. xde org kaco.. hahahaha..

sinopsis cite nih:

*Megumi Noda, or "Nodame" is a piano student at Momogaoka College of Music. An extremely talented pianist who wants to be a kindergarten teacher, she prefers playing by ear rather than reading the music score. She is messy and disorganized, takes baths several days apart and loves to eat, sometimes stealing her friend’s lunchbox when it is filled with delicacies.

Shinichi Chiaki, is Momogaoka’s top student. Born into a musical family, he is talented in piano and violin and has secret ambitions to become a conductor. An arrogant multi-lingual perfectionist who once lived abroad in the music capitals of the world as a young boy, he feels mired in Japan because of a childhood phobia.

They meet by accident. Nodame quickly falls in love, but it takes much longer for Chiaki to even begin to appreciate Nodame’s unusual qualities. Their relationship causes them both to develop and grow. Because of Nodame, Chiaki got the opportunity to lead a student orchestra and begins to have a broader appreciation of people's musical abilities. Because of Chiaki, Nodame faces her fears and enters a piano competition. Opportunities open up as both begin taking risks, stretching themselves far more than they ever thought possible.*

saje je nk letak gmbr kt atas nih.. hehehe.. their chart.. sape pelakon.. belakon watak ape.. sume tertulis kat chart nih.. and how they are connected.. hehehehe...

out of 5.. i give 3.5 star.. hahaha.. coz aku x bape nk feeling sgt la psl2 orchestra nih.. xde seni la katakan.. hehehehehe.. tp.. walaubagaimanapun.. cite nih ade jugak la kasi moral value sikit kt diri ini yg serba kekurangan nih.. apekah..??

1. semangat kerjasama dlm pasukan..

2. berusaha selagi terdaya..

3. try to overcome your fearness..

4. bila kite cube sesuatu yg baru.. akan ade sumthing jugak la yg kite akan dpt.. kan..?? x semestinya berjaya je sepanjang masa.. tp kalo gagal pun.. at least kite telah mendapat pengajaran dr pengalaman.. kan..?? kan..??

watak perempuan ni sgt2 la dahsyat n pelik.. waa.. ade ke pompuan mcm nih..?? dahsyat giler r.. waaaaa... tp dia baik.. terror main piano lak tuh.. hebat2.. but.. nape pengotor sgt weyh watak dia..?? hohohoho..

pelakon2 dia xde la encem sgt.. huhuhu.. kecewa sikit.. siyes x encem.. tp cite ni seboleh2 nk menunjukkan yg dialah yg terhensem, terbagus dan terhebat kt skolah tu.. what ever.. nape x kasi watak nih kat matsumoto jun je..?? jeng3x.. merapu sudah.. liana.. sila terima hakikat ye bahawasanya pelakon2 jepun xde la encem sgt mcm pelakon2 korea.. =)

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